
This is how I think that communicating in person is better than through technology. Despite some superficial similarities, the similarities between communicating in person and communicating through technology are remarkable.

Here are some similarities between communicating in person and communicating through technology. Some of the similarities between communication in person and communicating through technology is that you can talk to a person in both ways. If you are on the road you can still get desracted when you are talking to someone on the road. It is necessary to not distract someone when they are driving so when you call someone and they say that they are driving tell them you will call back later or if you are in the passengers seat don’t talk or make loud noises.When you are in the car driving you can get distracted while on the phone and when you are talking to someone in the passengers seat. If you are driving in the car and someone calls you pick up the phone and tell them that you will call them later. If you are driving on a busy highway and you tell the people in you car to stop talking but they keep talking tell them that when you get off the highway you can talk but for now stop talking. These where some of the similarities about communicating in person and communicating through technology.

Here are some differences between communicating in person and communicating through technology. I think that communicating in person is better than communicating through technology, if you want to text someone for something it might take a while for the text to get through or the person you are texting might not look at their phone for a while. If you are talking to someone in person you can tell them something instantly. For example I rally need to text my mom because school just got out early without telling anybody but my text won’t go through. I just fell down on the ground I need to text m mom oh no my text won’t go through. If someone is right beside you and you need them you can tell them right then. for example, mom I just hurt my knee then she will run right over to you and help you mom my friend needs to be picked up her class got out early.

those where some of the differences about communicating through technology and communicating in person.

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