My Patriot Poem

She sent over one thousand letters to her husband

She melted metal utensils into bullets

Hid soldiers in her home

First second Lady

Abigail Adams

Second First Lady

Strong advocate of women’s rights

Talked to ladies still loyal to British

Appointed by the Massachusetts colony general in 1775 3

My Colonial Life.

Hi, I’m a potter.If you want to be a potter in colonial times like me then just listen to me and see how we do it. Well you need to have  strong,firm thumbs so you can work out all of the air bubbles We used to use the clay that the brick maker uses,he cleaned the clay and added sand to temper it. Us potters usually make bowls,jugs,and mugs.

Life In 5th grade

I Love Mr. Mcbride’s class because he teaches science. We have five classes every day and about an hour in each one.This year I am starting to love math and history a lot more. And also this year I am getting better at reading and at math. This year I started to play prodigy and, I really really love it along with think ceantrel. This year I have a really heavy backpack and a binder. This year the classes are more fun and we get to play and work on the computers a  lot more and I think that is a lot of fun.One of the best things about this year is we get to color more than we did last year. This years play ground timeis a whole lot more fun than last years because of mr. Mcbride.

Row Your Site

1. The Saint Bernard is a muscular dog.

2.A Saint Bernard is really big but very gentle.

3.The saint Bernard’s giant paws do really well in the snow

4.It uses his great scents of smell to protect people from danger.

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